These programs are all giftware. If you use them and like them, I would appreciate a small monetary donation. Email me for the address, or look in the help files.

Source code
Ragnarok is yet another incarnation of the age-old game of galactic conquest. Pit your wits against your friends or my rather dodgy ai.
To avoid a barrage of questions I'll tell you now that the name comes from the Norse Armageddon myth.
Ragnarok in python
The same game as above, but written in python, so it should run on both Windows & Linux. It's also newer and better than the RISC OS version. Requires Python (at least version 2.1) and pygame. If you're running Linux, all the above should be available through your distribution; certainly they're in Debian.
I've now compiled a Windows executable of Ragnarok, so all you Windows users can run it without having to download Python & pygame. The downside of this method is that the zip file is 2.7MB, and is untested as yet. It's also slightly out of date… (You know you want Python installed really!)
Source code
This is another space-based game (as if you hadn't guessed :-), but for two human players. The basic idea is to design a superior fleet of ships, then use them to humiliate your opponent.
Source code
QFetch is a simple quick fetch manager for use with Socketeer and the like. It can be configured for your mailer/news software in the Messages file. A sample Online script for Socketeer is also provided.
Proper quickfetch code is now included in Socketeer, making this a little redundant.
AppRunning is a little utility to prevent you accidentally running 2 copies of the same application at once. It is especially useful for users of Messenger Pro, which can't cope with 2 copies of itself yet doesn't provide any protection against this.
Under development
A multi-player card game also known as racing demon. So far one human can play multiple computer opponents at various levels of difficulty. I'm working on network play.

Contact Jonathan with comments, suggestions, etc.
Designed on a RISC OS machine using Zap and !HTML³